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Evaluation of the Respectful Workplace Policy


Government of Yukon


Policy Evaluation

Background and Challenge

The Respectful Workplace Policy (the Policy) was developed in 2013 by the Government of Yukon in consultation with the Yukon Teachers' Association and the Yukon Employees' Union. The Policy replaced the Workplace Harassment Prevention and Resolution Policy with alternative dispute resolution processes, which are considered more effective in promoting a respectful, healthy, and well-functioning workplace. Underlying the Policy is the expectation that all government employees, whatever their positions or functions, have a responsibility to make sure that every employee with whom they interact receives the respect they deserve and need.

The Policy is overseen by a Steering Committee, chaired by the Public Service Commissioner, which includes members from the Yukon Employees' Union, the Yukon Teachers' Association, the Aboriginal Employees' Forum, the deputy minister community, and the human resource community. To facilitate the implementation of the Policy, the Respectful Workplace Office (RWO) was established as a separate branch within the Public Service Commission. The mandate of the RWO is to be a resource for employees experiencing disrespect in the workplace and for those with the responsibility to manage workplace conflict; assess concerns about disrespectful conduct in the workplace; and determine and manage the appropriate process to address those concerns.

The purpose of the evaluation was to undertake an independent review of the Policy and activities undertaken in support of the Policy by the RWO. The evaluation addressed issues related to need, achieved results, design and delivery of activities, and resources.

Approach and Methodology

The methodology involved a variety of primary and secondary data sources including:

  • A review of files, documents, and data collected by the RWO;
  • A review of literature and policies in other jurisdictions;
  • S survey of 262 clients;
  • Follow-up interviews with 67 clients who participated in the survey;
  • Interviews with 34 key collaborators; and
  • Two focus groups: one with Steering Committee members and one with RWO practitioners.


The final report included conclusions and 7 recommendations to be considered by the RWO and the Steering Committee. The project was completed on time and within budget.

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