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Nov 4, 2020

Respectful Workplace Policy Evaluation

In 2012, a review of Yukon's existing Workplace Harrassment Prevention and Resolution Policy revealed disappointing results. Existing processes, investigations and resolutions weren't doing enough to prevent harm to government employees. After a period of consultation, the Yukon Government shifted its approach and created the Respectful Workplace Policy, which relies on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes. By providing appropriate dispute resolution processes to address conflict and disrespectul conduct among government employees, the Policy underscored a basic concept: that all government employees, whever their role, have a responsibility to make sure that every employee with whom they interact receives the respect they deserve.

Qatalyst, under the GGI brand, conducted a thorough review of the Respectful Workplace Policy and the activities taken in support of it by Yukon's Respectful Workplace Office. We looked at issues related to need, achieved results, design and delivery of activities, and resources.

Click the link below to read our full report on the Yukon Government's implementation of the Respectful Workplace Policy:


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